Before you know the difference between being a “pro” and an amateur, you wonder about how you spend your time during your business day. A lot of colleagues and/or “others” are lunching together and so you think that’s what professionals do: they lunch. The question is never whether to accept a lunch invitation. The question is whether to turn pro. I reference Steven Pressfield‘s book, Turning Pro, and highly recommend you read it! I also reference the personal versus your professional self video.
Spring Cleaning
Is it time for some internal spring cleaning?
I know when I clear out my own limiting beliefs and fears (all of which I invent) I have clarity of purpose and vision.
With clarity of purpose and vision comes a childlike enthusiasm for the adventure that is my life.
With enthusiasm and an adventure map the only thing I need is a sandwich because I’m going to want a snack for the road.
And with food in my belly, there’s literally nothing stopping me.
What adventure awaits you?
Let me know if you’d like to borrow my broom and dustpan.