Have you ever put your car in gear and then driven to your destination by looking in the rear view mirror?
How did that work out for you?
Seems ludicrous, doesn’t it? No one could do that and keep the car on the road, ensure the safety of themselves, any passengers, or the vehicle, let alone cover any significant distance and arrive at a desired destination.
We have a tendency to steer our lives, our jobs, our relationships, and our dreams by looking backwards at what we (and others) have done in the past.
That rear view steering can look like:
- Not trusting ourselves to make better decisions
- Being afraid to risk anything
- Never speaking up for ourselves
- Not applying for a different position
- Feeling resigned with how things are
- Staying in relationships that don’t serve us
- Thinking good things happen to other people
- Assuming you don’t deserve the assignment/project
- Resenting management for overlooking you
- Believing you’re just not loveable or worthy
Much like it’s absurd to drive a car looking behind you, it’s equally dangerous to navigate your life based on events from your past.
The only thing the past provides is the journey that brought you here. Because wherever you are is only ever now.
When you strap the seatbelt across your chest and secure it, what do you see through the vast wonderful windshield of your life?
Where would you like to go, irrespective of where you’ve been?
Start driving.