I can’t scientifically prove it but I believe creativity is contagious.
Allow me to show you anecdotally what I mean.
Exhibit A
My colleague Alex was invited to an event to share his personal reinvention journey from collector of many things to Zen Buddhist monk. Alex decided he wanted to gift something to the event attendees to support them along their meditation journeys so he wrote a book AND published it. . . in TWO months’ time! And it’s marvelous!!
During a recent meeting, my business partner Elatia and I were mapping out our plan for world happiness when we inadvertently outlined an entire book. Happy day! Inspired by Alex’s short road to publication we decided to create our own masterpiece and it is now underway.
Exhibit B
While collaborating on said book, Elatia and I were in deep discussion around one of the chapter topics when we asked ourselves a simple question: “What if we get this book’s message to people before we’re finished writing it? What could that look like?”
And our What If Webinar series was born and in the world in less than two weeks.
Exhibit C
I keep a Happy List. I have thousands of items I’ve written down since starting my list at age 21. On December 29, 2014, I wanted to do something more with my list and so created my first Happy List Video.
On May 20, 2015, the remarkable scratch DJ Emma Short-E sent me a remix she created from her favorite Happy List video.
See how it spreads and grows and changes and becomes more?
Creation begets creativity.
Creativity is gorgeously personal to you.
What will you create today?
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