I’m always glad when Friday arrives, but in a desperate sort of way. It’s as if the day has snuck up on me, and didn’t tell me it was coming so soon, which means I haven’t had time to put out the guest towels yet. Maybe that’s just me. Either way – the Dopamine Challenge is still providing me plenty of opportunities to wear my rose-colored glasses as I move through the variety of experiences I call my life.
The Other Three
- Exercise – nope
- Meditate – done
- Kindness – done
- Procedures that allow me to work efficiently
- Public Radio
- Inspiration that comes from others’ successes
- Participating as an audience member in a live broadcast of The State of Things
- Chopsticks
Positive Experience
We were privileged this afternoon to participate as audience members in a live broadcast of WUNC’s The State of Things, a live public radio program produced locally, and one of my favorite shows. Today’s guest was Dr. Nido Qubein, and if you’re unfamiliar with his story, I encourage you to click here to learn more about him. I’ve been a big fan of Nido for as many years as I have lived in North Carolina, and always enjoy hearing him speak publicly. He is charming and inspirational. I took notes, and here were just a few standout items:
- With a clear vision, solid strategy, and good communication, amazing things can happen
- When you have a great idea & can sell it to someone else (buy-in), the world can change
- I want to shift my perspective from success to significance
- The world changes by lighting one candle (person) at a time
- The best way to prove yourself is to lose yourself in a cause
- Anytime you have an idea, someone else will resist you based on their own frame of reference
- We are each a product of the people we know and the books we’ve read
- Dare to be an individual; do it your way
My notes were about what impacted me in the moment, although I want to listen again to everything that was said. Dr. Qubein’s life outlook is very much in line with our own 21-day challenge to shift our own spheres of happiness, and as we do, then just as Dr. Qubein suggested, we can change the world!