I am well underway with my commitment to creating more positivity. Thank you for joining me on this journey. I carried my journal everywhere I went today, so I could make an immediate written record of the things for which I am grateful. That left nothing up to speculation at the end of a long day.
Christie also reminded me that in addition to keeping a record of three new things for which I am grateful each day, and sharing one positive experience I’ve had in the last 24 hours, I also need to meditate, exercise, and commit a conscious act of kindness. My biggest challenge in that list is the meditation. What tips can someone share with me on how to more effectively meditate? My mind just wants to wander, and I have a hard time sitting still for too long, or I fall asleep (just being honest). I have only two switches: On and Off.
- Electronic flowers from my daughter
- Synergistic networking meeting with Leigh Anne
- Connecting with real people through Twitter
- Hot tea on a cold day
- Lunch with Karen
- Chocolate-covered strawberries (somehow this made the list twice!)
- Oxi Clean (that’s a whole other blog post)
- Valentine delivery with a hug from Clark
Positive Experience
Life can be too busy a lot of the time. I suppose I am to blame for that, but when I focus on scaling back, sadly, there always seems to be something else filling the welcome void. Because of this, spending time with those whom I love sometimes feels like my last priority, when I want it to be my first. Just as I finished my great meeting with Leigh Anne, I received a text message from Karen to see if I wanted to meet for lunch. Of course!
Every single time I am with Karen, I come away feeling like the king of the world. During our lunchtime conversation this afternoon I remembered all over again how fortunate and blessed is my life for having Karen in it.
I love our friendship and the numerous ways it continues to enrich my whole world.
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Making the gratitude list from yesterday was just too easy , it was Valentines Day, afterall, and I’m fortunate to have a great Valentine, the same one for 14 years. Chocolate covered strawberries (also made my list); an amazing, impromptu lunch with Arminda; dinner out; a fabulous, Lavendar bath in our massage tub. Just a few of the Tuesday highlights. Who doesn’t want to be me?!?!?
Can I put my family on my gratitude list everyday? (Been doing that for years.) And our health, without which nothing else matters. The problem I face with my gratitude list at the end of everyday is.. I just finally need to stop writing – it could go on and on.
I learned this habit years ago when lying in the hospital from emotional and physical fatigue as the single mother of two, going through personal and corporate bankruptcy. So, no, you don’t have to be eating chocolate covered strawberries in a massage tub to be grateful.
But it sure feels a lot better..
Thanks, Arminda, for this theme.
My gratitudes for Valentine’s Day actually had nothing to do with Valentine’s day. I received an unexpected check in the mail that made it a lot easier to get to the next payday. I like it when that happens! I treated myself to a southwestern salad for lunch. I made decisions that will be good for my health: (1) I decided to severely restrict fast food in my life. If I want a “REAL” hamburger, I will go to 5 Guys. (I found out that McDonald’s 100% beef has a “recipe” – and how can that be if it’s 100% beef?) (2) I decided to give up drinking soda and will wean myself off it in the next couple of weeks. This includes diet soda. It’s the world’s most unnecessary beverage, except for ginger ale when you don’t feel well. (3) I decided to get back on track with my diet after backsliding this winter. I’ll take baby steps from there to make more positive changes. I took time to review the draft of my book and became inspired to write another chapter! I also got an idea for another book – creativity flows!!! I’ll be sharing again soon! Deb
Today’s 3 new gratitudes:
1) play dates with friends
2) Internet
3) red lentil burgers and kids compliments while eating them. (Maryn has ranked them her 2nd favorite meal. Victory!)
Positive Experience:
Out of the blue, my 14 year old offered to clean the kitchen after dinner. She told me to go relax and took over the dishes. I’m thankful for her thoughtfulness. She is a blessing in my life.
Exercise: check
Random act of kindness: check
Meditation: check
Meditation is also a tricky one for me. My strategy has been to read something (scriptures and/or a thought provoking book – currently Mans Search for Meaning) and spend some time thinking about what I read and its applicability in my life. That seems to be working well for me!
Congratulations on your diet decisions!
Eating better really is self-perpetuating. The better you eat, the better you feel, so the better you want to eat!
Best wishes for you and your body!
Thanks for the excellent tip. Like Arminda (and probably all of us!) I struggle with meditation. Our busy society has trained us all to be a bit ADD and when I sit quietly.. well, my brain is not so quiet.
So, thanks to your message, I just retrieved Simple Abundance from my bookshelf and put it on the coffee table. I’m looking forward to starting my days with a reading meditation.
I love this, too, Christie, and I think I’m going to add this to my regimen. I seem to recall that if we read something positive and/or uplifting just before bed, then our resting thoughts are centered around positive, uplifting and inspirational ideas. Thank you for the great suggestion.
How exciting, Deb! All your positives are snowballing into more positives! Keep it up – what great conscious choices you’re making for your long-term health and happiness!
I’ve always felt that the things for which I am most grateful I am most concerned I will take for granted – if I don’t express my gratitude for them daily. Family, of course, is at the top of that list. What I try to focus on daily are the specific things about my family relationships for which I am grateful: small acts of kindness, behaviors that make an impact, sacrifices on my behalf, etc. When I do that, my love and appreciation grows, and I find more ways to express love and gratitude in return. And, then I know my daily expressions are not repetitive, but a renewal of what really does matter the most in my life.